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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Garcia-Perez

Favorite Project of the Year

Throughout the school year I tried so many new things that I didn't attempt before. Out of all my work I would say that my favorite was the time lapse project. In my time lapse it may not look like a lot of effort was put since it was fast but behind the recording I did have a hard time. My struggle was to finish it in one go. When I paint I usually sketch out the drawing in one day then start painting the next day. I take my time but for this project I couldn't stop because I wanted the lapse to look smooth and not have to edit different parts in. When anyone sees this project I would like them to know that art should be more appreciated. It doesn't matter if it's realistic art or non realistic, art is art. I know that there are people out there who like to critique others art and not appreciate it. So I would like others to view my art as some type of entertainment.

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