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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Garcia-Perez

Careers in Multimedia

A list of careers that have to do with multimedia.

  • Film and video editor

  • Advertising manager

  • Creative director

  • Illustrator

  • Animator

The career that most interested me : Illustrator

What kind of work it involves...

An illustrator doesn't only work with books but many other public presentation. Their art is used for prints and digital publications. They have to collaborate with clients, editors, and marketers before completing their work. While they do their artwork they must work with computer aided design software's. Also when creating their art they must prepare rough drafts according to requirements. An illustrator also needs to apply isometric techniques so that they can add perspectives to complex shapes. They must have hands of experience with digital pen and hand. Most of their work is done through digital media meaning that they have to keep up to date with new designs techniques and software. After completing their work and starting a new project an illustrator has to brainstorm with the design team to come up with a new concept, patterns and styles.

Salary or pay skill...

The salary of an illustrator can change due to different location, employers and experience and where they reside. The most common average annual salary is $63,030 since May 2019. The lowest an illustrator can early annually is $20,070. The price can also be high depending what state and industry an illustrator is in.

Where can you be trained...

Typically to become an illustrator they must attend any university or college that offers a bachelors degree in fine arts. An example of a school would be Academy of Art University. If getting a bachelors degree isn't possible then they can do training on the job or find some type of internship. It would be better to have a bachelors degree though because it helps illustrators be professionals and are better with their skills. Also if an illustrator wants to work in the medical publication they need a masters degree in fine arts.

Why does they job interest you...

I find this job interesting because I enjoy art myself and having a job that has to do with art would be fun in my opinion. I want to become a dentist in the future and illustrator is one of my non STEM alternatives so that is another reason why I found this career interesting. I thought that illustrators only did work for books but no, as I did this assignment I was able to learn many new facts I didn’t know. A fact I didn’t know was that Illustrators need to know how to use computer aided design software's and other digital sources. I didn’t expect that requirement to be important. Also what I find interesting is that whoever works in medical publication as an illustrator needs to have a masters degree in fine arts. I still wonder why they need more years of education just to work for medical publication. Other than that I don’t think that four years of college/university is too much, it is the right amount to become an illustrator. After doing this research it made me realize that being an illustrator is actually a good alternative for me.

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